Classes by M. Belanger

Hungry for more knowledge?

These recorded classes are affordable and rewatchable. Find out more on upcoming classes and information on M. Belanger’s website HERE for opportunities to participate in live classes. Ask questions, get to know the community, and join the pursuit of knowledge on the Patreon.

  • M. Belanger hosts dozens of informative and inspiring classes on a range of subject matter meant to expand your understanding of the very world around you. Dive into the Class Catalogue for more.

  • Psychic Self-Defense

    Join Michelle for an in-depth series of three online classes that are all about psychic self-defense. Michelle brings the unique combined skillset of psychic, author, and clergy to bear on this in-depth approach to a challenging and timely topic.

  • Healing with Energy

    Get access to Michelle’s complete series of five online classes that are all about healing with energy work. Each class is two hours — ten full hours of instruction are collected in these videos. Originally recorded during online classes offered in May 2020.

  • Your Psychic Language

    Your Psychic Language is a lively discussion between Michelle Belanger and three members of House Kheperu; Gryphon (warrior caste), Abri (priest caste), and Elyria (counselor caste). We'll talk about psychic perceptions and how they work for us, focusing on techniques you can use to understand your perceptions, and lean into your strengths.

Course structure

Many of M. Belanger’s classes are multi-session video series that go in depth to provide information that will enhance and expand your own abilities.

All sales are final and non-refundable.