S1|EP36: Midsummer Meeting


It may present a more romanticized notion of what we (psychic vampires) are and make people really want to be real vampires when it is not necessarily something we choose. There are certainly life-stylers and people who adopt the vampire as a magickal identity, and that is a slightly different thing. Anyone can learn to take energy.


- M. Belanger



Midsummer Meeting



What's been going on in the vampire community? Michelle talks about a survey coordinated by the Atlanta Vampire Alliance, in an attempt to collect actual data about those who self-identify as vampires.

What resources does the community use these days? How can we talk about what it means to identify as a vampire to those who aren't familiar with the community? What do researchers say about whether the vampire community is a religious or spiritual group?

Jackie Williams, the artist behind the Watcher Angel Tarot, talks about the process of coming to realize she was a psychic vampire, and becoming conscious of her need to take energy.

What impact have movies and shows popularizing the vampire had on the real vampire community? Why would anybody want to be a vampire, with all the problems that come along with that identity?

Thanks to Nox Arcana for providing dark soundscapes on this midsummer's night.

Originally aired June 21, 2009.


S1|EP37: Dreamwalking


S1|EP35: House Kheperu Gather (2009)